Wednesday, April 29, 2009

and i didn't think i liked cats...

so curiosity killed the cat
i am not sure i agree with that
i think this is a saying gone wrong
i think we should be curious for however long
it takes to plunge head first
into the unknown water that quenches thirst
i am curious to know what it could be
if i truly found the end of me
what would it look like...where would i end?
but i am not yet curious enough to bend
they make it a warning, those silly "they"
if that cat only stuck to the normal way
it would be so safe it would be so sound
it would not be buried underground
ah but the sad little kittens who follow the norm
they have no curiosity, will they ever transform?
i never am quite satisfied my oh so curious soul
i am quite grateful for this pushes me to the goal
i am curious to know how deep i can live
how much He would show me, how much He would give
He promises an outpouring, He promises even more than that
oh how i forever wish to be curious as a cat!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lots of good words start with R

i must speak of a certain favorite holiday of mine..
this holiday is national marijuana day!!!!
april 20th.
it has a new name. and it is very wordy indeed.
revelation-restoration-rehabilitation-revolution day!!!!
(the letter R just isn't given enough credit in the alphabet...)
really thats the year's name. 2009 is the year of the 4 R's.
but 4/20 was a beautiful reminder of this.
Joy and unearthly energy were abundant in my soul all day long! God is abundant.
I learned a lesson when asked to smoke a bowl about temptation and leaving your past behind. saying no is a rather difficult thing when a feeling of missing the past hits because of the pretty disguised box it comes in. God never gives me more than i can handle and the devil really does flee when you resist him.
i watched the sun set (complete with gorgeous colors) while God restored my sister and i's relationship over the phone.
mmmmm...RESTORATION of a relationship set up by God that satan had crippled by lies for too many years. man. i could talk about this all night. im just soooo stoked! amy leigh. man. my heart could burst from God's love that restored our relationship to something so beautiful. im honored. should i use the word restored again? God restored my relationship with my sister!!!!! haha!
in closing...4/20 was a day of many things but its effects recharged my soul!
another R.
to continue the revolution thats already begun!
and today was refreshing by the way...
God wants us to experience the letter R. that's a fact : )

Saturday, April 11, 2009

my shoes

i have had this pair of moccasins since junior year in high school. ive worn them at least 6 days a week every week since then. no joke. i know they're just shoes but they have been a trusty companion for 6 years on a daily basis. 
they started unraveling today. 
they're comfy. lasted for quite a while. been a friend of sorts.
im kinda emotional about it almost.
hard to let go of something you rely on even if it's shoes.
this is interesting timing for a few reasons...
i feel like my jump on what could look like the big curly slide at big splash started my junior year. 
its been a crazy twisted downward spiral since then. but then i reached the end and landed in a wonderfully welcoming deep pool of refreshing water this past fall. its been 6 months of being in this body of water.
and now shoes ive worn 6 days a week, for 6 years...started unraveling 6 months after God dunked me.
i think im gunna get baptized again. 
and i think it's time for new shoes.
maybe water proof ones.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

i am not my own

i have nothing left to lose.
He has captured my heart completely.
He holds it in His hands.
i am not my own.
He bought me with a price.
His life. 
but the day we choose to remember Him completing His grace
in a couple days
i feel Him calling me once again
come die once again
those last dependencies
the last comfortable dwellings
the last of pointless clinging to things
in this world
pick up your cross
come follow me
i have nothing left to lose.
"if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me"
so be it.